Self Care Focus Program for Upper and Lower Body (6 hours +; unlimited access for life)
Self Care Focus Program for Upper and Lower Body (6 hours +; unlimited access for life)
Release Tension and Improve Posture + Cultivate Grounding, Balance and Fluidity
Unlimited access to A series of four gentle, slow moving full length classes (6 hours +) designed to address and relieve tension as well as improve mobility and flexibility in the upper and lower body, using release techniques and stretches (dynamic and restorative) together with simple activation and corrective strength exercises to improve balance and control.
How to use these classes:
a weekly program over 6 weeks, alternating all 4 classes over the week
an end of week or day session(s) to relieve muscle soreness or anytime a little more self care is required (stressful period, fatigue, recovery from illness etc)
an add on to your active recovery week following a strength and/or high intensity training program
What you’ll need:
a towel
a blanket
a foam roller
2 yoga bricks/blocks or books or firm cushions
a yoga bolster or 2 large pillows (eg: bed pillows)
a chair
a wall
a yoga belt or scarf
a long resistance band (regular and or crossfit style loop)
a small loop band
1 or 2 tennis/trigger ball and a sock
Online Payment is via PayPal only so email info@strongmamatraining if you wish to arrange BACS Payment
Disclaimer: Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Strong Mama Training from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Strong Mama Training’s negligence