Let them eat dirt!
Ever worried about your child kissing the dog, eating food that they've dropped on the floor or playing in the grass, sand or dirt ( and tasting it too!), or missing their bath or eating/playing somewhere that hasn't been thoroughly sprayed with Dettol first?
Well according to recent ( and not so recent) studies, it may be just what they need to build a strong immune system.
Our obsession with hygiene combined with over prescription of antibiotics appears to be one of the likely and probable contributing factors in the rise of autoimmune diseases in our society. Studies have found that our sterile environment increases chances of children developing asthma, hay fever and even bowel inflammatory diseases in later life such as ulcerative colitis.
In fact, the immune system of mammals is dramatically influenced and shaped by exposure to microbes throughout life and Epidemiological evidence suggests that early-life exposure to bacteria may be partly responsible to build a strong immune system and help prevent such diseases.
Other essential factors contributing to a healthy immune system include:
• clean air
•clean water
•immune boosting diet
So safe exposure to everyday germs at a very young age of otherwise healthy babies/children may not be such a bad idea and next time your baby starts licking the swing saddle in your local playground, no need to panic!